
You first need to create an account, you can sign up here to receive 50 credits to test it out.

The Facebook & Instagram endpoint allows you find all Facebook and Instagram ads for a given company.

It takes a Facebook page or a company domain as input.

Company domain has to be passed in the '' format, meaning all prefixes like 'https://' or 'www.' need to be removed.

API endpoint


See which Facebook or Instagram ads a company is running by providing their website or Facebook page as input.









Adyntel API key



Adyntel account email



Facebook page url (needs to start with https://)



Company website



Webhook URL where the data will be returned



Token used to grab the next set of ads

Example request

  • Request made using company_domain:

    "api_key": "your_api_key",
    "email": "your_email",
    "company_domain": ""

  • Request made using facebook_url:

    "api_key": "your_api_key",
    "email": "your_email",
    "facebook_url": ""

  • Request made using webhooks (works with both company_domain and facebook_url):

    "api_key": "your_api_key",
    "email": "your_email",
    "webhook_url": "your_webhook_url",
    "facebook_url": ""

When you're using webhooks the data will be sent to the webhook URL and you will receive a different response to your call:

    "chunk_count": 5,
    "message": "Data sent in chunks"
  • Request made using continuation_token. You receive this token in the first call you make, but only if there are more ads than we were able to retrieve (usually we get the first 30 ads). If you use this in your next call we will give you the next set of ads (next 30) and, if there are more ads, you will receive another continuation_token that you can use to grab the next set of ads etc. This continues until the last page of ads where the response you get will have a "null" continuation_token.

    "api_key": "your_api_key",
    "email": "your_email",
    "company_domain: "",
    "continuation_token" : "q5SkUA7x8o2JxQiyxYGGoDWoyecu46Bxq-5"

Possible responses


There are multiple situations in which the response code will be 204 with no message. This happens when:

  • the domain provided returns a HTML response different than 200. That usually happens if the website could be loaded, it is not available, domain is expired etc.

  • we scrape the domain provided but there is no Facebook URL on it so there is no way to move to the next step

  • we scraped the Facebook URL but the page is not publicly available so it cannot be scraped

You are not charged when you receive this response code.

Full response, with ads

The response is a JSON object with the following structure:

  "active_status": string,
  "continuation_token": string | null,
  "country_code": string,
  "is_result_complete": boolean,
  "media_types": string,
  "number_of_ads": number,
  "page_id": string,
  "platform": string[],
  "results": Ad[]

Each ad in the results array contains the following information:

  "adArchiveID": string,
  "adid": string,
  "archiveTypes": any[],
  "categories": number[],
  "collationCount": number,
  "collationID": number,
  "containsDigitallyCreatedMedia": boolean,
  "containsSensitiveContent": boolean,
  "currency": string,
  "endDate": number,
  "entityType": string,
  "fevInfo": any | null,
  "finServAdData": {
    "is_deemed_finserv": boolean,
    "is_limited_delivery": boolean
  "gatedType": string,
  "hasUserReported": boolean,
  "hiddenSafetyData": boolean,
  "hideDataStatus": string,
  "impressionsWithIndex": {
    "impressionsIndex": number,
    "impressionsText": string | null
  "isAAAEligible": boolean,
  "isActive": boolean,
  "isAdAccountActioned": boolean,
  "isProfilePage": boolean,
  "menuItems": any[],
  "pageID": string,
  "pageInfo": any | null,
  "pageIsDeleted": boolean,
  "pageName": string,
  "politicalCountries": any[],
  "publisherPlatform": string[],
  "reachEstimate": any | null,
  "reportCount": any | null,
  "snapshot": {
    // Detailed snapshot information
  "spend": any | null,
  "startDate": number,
  "stateMediaRunLabel": any | null,
  "totalActiveTime": any | null

Example response

  "active_status": "active",
  "continuation_token": null,
  "country_code": "US",
  "is_result_complete": true,
  "media_types": "all",
  "number_of_ads": 3,
  "page_id": "219810892023535",
  "platform": ["facebook", "instagram"],
  "results": [
                "adArchiveID": "1068275031288917",
                "adid": "0",
                "archiveTypes": [],
                "categories": [
                "collationCount": 1,
                "collationID": 902561545183873,
                "containsDigitallyCreatedMedia": false,
                "containsSensitiveContent": false,
                "currency": "",
                "endDate": 1732608000,
                "entityType": "person_profile",
                "fevInfo": null,
                "finServAdData": {
                    "is_deemed_finserv": false,
                    "is_limited_delivery": false
                "gatedType": "eligible",
                "hasUserReported": false,
                "hiddenSafetyData": false,
                "hideDataStatus": "NONE",
                "impressionsWithIndex": {
                    "impressionsIndex": -1,
                    "impressionsText": null
                "isAAAEligible": false,
                "isActive": true,
                "isAdAccountActioned": false,
                "isProfilePage": false,
                "menuItems": [],
                "pageID": "219810892023535",
                "pageInfo": null,
                "pageIsDeleted": false,
                "pageName": "Lokalise",
                "politicalCountries": [],
                "publisherPlatform": [
                "reachEstimate": null,
                "reportCount": null,
                "snapshot": {
                    "ad_creative_id": "120212385658810641",
                    "additional_info": null,
                    "body": {
                        "callerHash": "8bbb848338fe7cfec97f12d5de027b3e",
                        "context": {},
                        "markup": {
                            "__html": "{{product.brand}}"
                    "body_translations": {},
                    "branded_content": null,
                    "brazil_tax_id": null,
                    "byline": null,
                    "caption": "",
                    "cards": [
                            "body": "Building a standout style guide, avoiding key-naming pitfalls, and leveraging glossaries and translation memories effectively.\n\nHear from Tom Franc, a 20+ year industry expert and consultant, and one of our very own customers, Adisiti Halwa, who’s become a pro at crafting best-in-class style guides.\n\nDon’t miss this chance to learn from the experts and elevate your localization approach. Save your spot now for November 27th at 10 am EST!",
                            "caption": null,
                            "cta_text": "Sign Up",
                            "cta_type": "SIGN_UP",
                            "image_crops": null,
                            "link_description": " ",
                            "link_url": "",
                            "original_image_url": "",
                            "resized_image_url": "",
                            "title": "[Webinar] Localization FAQs, answered",
                            "video_hd_url": null,
                            "video_preview_image_url": null,
                            "video_sd_url": null,
                            "watermarked_resized_image_url": "",
                            "watermarked_video_hd_url": null,
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                            "body": "Building a standout style guide, avoiding key-naming pitfalls, and leveraging glossaries and translation memories effectively.\n\nHear from Tom Franc, a 20+ year industry expert and consultant, and one of our very own customers, Adisiti Halwa, who’s become a pro at crafting best-in-class style guides.\n\nDon’t miss this chance to learn from the experts and elevate your localization approach. Save your spot now for November 27th at 10 am EST!",
                            "caption": null,
                            "cta_text": "Sign Up",
                            "cta_type": "SIGN_UP",
                            "image_crops": null,
                            "link_description": " ",
                            "link_url": "",
                            "original_image_url": "",
                            "resized_image_url": "",
                            "title": "[Webinar] Localization FAQs, answered",
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                            "body": "Building a standout style guide, avoiding key-naming pitfalls, and leveraging glossaries and translation memories effectively.\n\nHear from Tom Franc, a 20+ year industry expert and consultant, and one of our very own customers, Adisiti Halwa, who’s become a pro at crafting best-in-class style guides.\n\nDon’t miss this chance to learn from the experts and elevate your localization approach. Save your spot now for November 27th at 10 am EST!",
                            "caption": null,
                            "cta_text": "Sign Up",
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                    "creation_time": 1731410930,
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                    "event": [],
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                    "extra_links": [
                    "extra_texts": [
                            "text": "[Webinar] Expert Tips & Tricks for Localization Success"
                            "text": "How do you get code ready for localization? What are the best practices for creating naming conventions for translation keys? How do I keep my glossary updated at all times? Tom Franc, Localization Consultant with more than 20 years of industry experience, and Adisti Halawa, Localization Manager at Sitetracker, walk you through their tips & tricks. Sign up now!"
                            "text": "We'll use your information to keep you up to date with our latest news."
                            "text": "First name"
                            "text": "Last name"
                            "text": "Work email"
                            "text": "Company name"
                            "text": "Country"
                            "text": "Disclaimer"
                            "text": "We'll send this information to Lokalise | Hiring remotely, subject to the company's privacy policy"
                            "text": "Yes, I would like to receive the latest insights about the Lokalise product, thought leadership, events & webinars and the Lokalise blog to learn more about localization best practices. I can unsubscribe at any time."
                            "text": "Privacy Policy"
                            "text": "Thank you!"
                            "text": "You're in! \nYou'll receive a confirmation email shortly. To get in touch, email us at"
                    "extra_videos": [],
                    "images": [],
                    "instagram_actor_name": "Lokalise",
                    "instagram_branded_content": null,
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                    "root_reshared_post": null,
                    "title": "{{}}",
                    "version": 3,
                    "videos": []
                "spend": null,
                "startDate": 1731398400,
                "stateMediaRunLabel": null,
                "totalActiveTime": null
                // continues with the next ad


  • active_status (string) Indicates whether the ad campaign is currently active.

  • continuation_token (nullable string) Token used for pagination to retrieve the next set of results, if applicable.

  • country_code (string) The ISO code of the country where the ads are displayed.

  • is_result_complete (boolean) Indicates if the result set is complete or if more data is available.

  • media_types (string) Types of media included in the ads, such as images or videos.

  • number_of_ads (integer) Total number of ads returned in the response.

  • page_id (string) Unique identifier for the Facebook page associated with the ads.

  • platform (array of strings) Platforms where the ads are running, e.g., Facebook, Instagram.

  • results (array of objects) Contains detailed information about each ad.

  • adArchiveID (string) Unique identifier for the ad in the archive.

  • adid (string) Identifier for the ad itself.

  • archiveTypes (array) Types of archives associated with the ad, if any.

  • categories (array of integers) Categories assigned to the ad for classification purposes.

  • collationCount (integer) Number of times this ad has been collated or grouped with others.

  • collationID (integer) Identifier for the collation group this ad belongs to.

  • containsDigitallyCreatedMedia (boolean) Indicates if the ad contains digitally created media content.

  • containsSensitiveContent (boolean) Indicates if the ad contains sensitive content that may require special handling.

  • currency (string) Currency used in any financial data related to the ad, if applicable.

  • endDate (integer) Unix timestamp representing when the ad campaign ends.

  • entityType (string) Type of entity associated with the ad, such as a person or business profile.

  • fevInfo (nullable object) Additional information related to Facebook's ad review process.

  • finServAdData (object) Contains information about financial service advertisements.

  • gatedType (string) Eligibility status of the ad for certain features or audiences.

  • hasUserReported (boolean) Indicates if any users have reported this ad for review or issues.

  • hiddenSafetyData (boolean) Indicates if there is any safety data that is hidden from view.

  • hideDataStatus (string) Status indicating whether any data related to this ad is hidden from public view.

  • impressionsWithIndex (object) Contains information about ad impressions.

  • isAAAEligible (boolean) Indicates eligibility for AAA (Audience and Ad Analysis) features.

  • isActive (boolean) Indicates whether the ad is currently active and running.

  • isAdAccountActioned (boolean) Indicates if any actions have been taken on this ad by account administrators.

  • isProfilePage (boolean) Indicates if this ad is associated with a profile page rather than a business page.

  • menuItems (array) Array of menu items associated with this ad's context or placement.

  • pageID (string) Identifier for the Facebook page that owns this ad.

  • pageInfo (nullable object) Additional information about the page associated with the ad.

  • pageIsDeleted (boolean) Indicates whether the page associated with this ad has been deleted.

  • pageName (string) Name of the Facebook page associated with this ad.

  • politicalCountries (array) List of countries where this ad is classified as political content.

  • publisherPlatform (array of strings) Platforms where this ad is published and visible to users.

  • reachEstimate (nullable object) Estimated reach of this ad in terms of audience size or demographics, if available.

  • reportCount (nullable integer) Number of reports or complaints filed against this ad by users or moderators.

  • snapshot (object) Contains detailed information about the ad creative, including body, images, and call-to-action details.

  • spend (nullable object) Financial spend data related to this ad campaign, if available.

  • startDate (integer) Unix timestamp representing when the ad campaign starts or started running.

  • stateMediaRunLabel (nullable string) Label indicating media run state or status for regulatory purposes, if applicable.

  • totalActiveTime (nullable integer) Total active time duration for which this ad has been running since its start date.

Last updated